Request for Proposal for programs aligning with Astellas’ Access to Health Initiatives:

Strengthening Health Systems and Increasing Health Literacy in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Greater Boston Area and/or San Francisco Bay Area


Astellas (as used in this Request for Proposal [RFP], “Astellas” means Astellas Pharma, Inc. and its affiliates), established in 2005, has adopted a business raison d'être to “Contribute towards improving the health of people around the world through the provision of innovative and reliable pharmaceutical products.” As we strive to deepen our engagement in sustainability, we are engaged in activities to promote our sustainability in society and to enhance our corporate value.

2.Programmatic Focus Areas

Astellas is committed to improving healthcare and making a difference in the lives of patients, their care partners, and local communities. We work with charitable partners to strengthen health systems and increase health literacy to eliminate health inequities and build healthy communities.

In the United States, Astellas is preparing to support grassroot and small to medium-sized local charitable organizations with a goal of increasing access to equitable healthcare for underserved communities and populations. We are interested in funding programs with external organizations that positively impact societies in which there are anticipated synergies with Astellas’ Sustainability goals.

Grant projects submitted in response to this RFP should:

Examples of projects can include, but are not limited to:

Astellas may support the cause with proactive communications in the community, with key stakeholders and with media. (Note: No communications can be made until all parties sign a Letter of Agreement prior to funding approval. Any external communications must be reviewed and approved by Astellas.)

We ask selected organisation(s) to collaborate with Astellas in the following ways:

3.Application details

All applications have to be made using Astellas’ online application portal, written applications or applications by email will not be accepted. The application period ends 30 November 2024, 11pm UTC.

Selected applicants may receive between $50,000–$75,000 to fund projects over a one-year period that will begin after 1 January 2024. The request for funding must be submitted and approved prior to the activity’s start date which the funding is supporting. Moreover, Astellas cannot be the main funder of the proposed project (requested funding must be less than 50% of the overall project budget for any 12-month period).

4.Project information

To apply for funding, the following information needs to be included in the proposal.

  • Detailed description of project, and how it addresses one of the two priority areas.
  • Explanation of how project success will be measured. Award recipients must provide a report after funding from Astellas has ended, outlining planned against achieved outcomes/impact.
  • Overall budget of the project, with overview of what funding from Astellas will be used for. This must include a breakdown of all items that roll into each line item; and must not include funding for the charitable organization’s operating budget, or administrative costs over 25%.
  • A sustainability perspective has to be included, which explains how the success of the project will be sustained after funding has ended.


Astellas offers Charitable Donations to tax-exempt U.S. charitable organizations as described in section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRS) or otherwise IRS tax-exempt charitable organizations. Astellas does not provide charitable donations to organizations that operate patient assistance programs or provide financial assistance to patients.

Donations are made for a charitable purpose and without any commercial motive or appearance of such; and without an intent to influence, induce, or reward the purchase, use, recommending, or arranging for the use of any product developed, marketed, and/or manufactured by Astellas or its affiliates, or the formulary status of any Astellas products.

Astellas does not provide funding for:

  • Charitable organizations that operate patient assistance programs or provide financial support to patients;
  • Charitable contributions to foreign organizations or institutions outside of the U.S.;
  • Sponsorships & Exhibits, or other events and fundraising programs;
  • Investigator Sponsored Research (ISR) of Astellas marketed products or Investigator Initiated Trials for Compounds in Development;
  • Independent Medical Education (IME) Grants; CME Grants;
  • Product Donations;
  • Lobbying activities, and contributions to political candidates, political parties, political action committees (PACs), or other political organizations established under Internal Revenue Code Section 527;
  • Charitable organizations with administrative costs totaling more than 25% of proposed total budget;
  • Endowments;
  • Religious groups for religious purposes;

Inquiries regarding the RFP and/or specifics about the program can be directed to